Analytics Review

Websites have the most potential for success when you can measure their performance and base important decisions on your visitors’ behavior. Learn how to increase rankings and targeted traffic with an analytics review.

google logos for analytics, tag manager, google

Confirming proper Analytics setup

We start by checking that the tools Google Analytics, Search Console, and Tag Manager are set up and integrated into your web pages correctly, including proper integration of AdWords reports.

The data within Analytics should be as accurate and actionable as possible.

Next, we’ll set up goals and funnels based on your business goals. And finally, we’ll filter ourselves (along with bots and spiders) from your traffic reports. We want clean, accurate and actionable data above all else.

Aligned to business goals for optimization

Your website should never stand still. The key to smart marketing involves making regular updates and decisions based on metrics, not assumptions. We’ll build you a website optimized for SEO and for conversions. But you will never be finished.

To truly maximize your results and investment, you need to check in on the analytical data and continue to improve your website.

business goals over an image strategy, optimization,conversion

analytics logos over analytics report

Ongoing reporting & automation

Analytics takes time to set up. But once they’re set up, the data comes to you (especially if you create little shortcuts). We have many tools available to serve up data in a variety of formats:

  • Customized dashboards tailored to your traffic and goals.
  • Email reports automatically generated on a regular basis.
  • Intelligence events that notify you when there are spikes and valleys in the data.

Analyzing traffic and conversions

Analytics is designed to support the analysis of traffic and conversions. Within your Analytics dashboard, you’ll see the ABCs of the funnel and our focus for this portion of your analytics review: Audience, Acquisitions, Behavior, Conversion.

We’ll document what’s working well and areas for optimization. We’ll examine traffic sources, acquisition reports, top pages and paths, behavior reports, page values, conversion rates and goal completions.

Then we’ll dive deeper into the data to understand which visitors are the least likely to engage with the site. We’ll analyze exit rates and together we’ll learn which pages are least helpful at supporting conversions so you can start making improvements and seeing immediate results.

Analyticics report showing sessions users etc

analytics report with people in front of laptop

Analytics training

We will teach you to read the data and use it to make better decisions. Analytics isn’t just for reporting. This critical tool supports your business decisions, and we’ll teach you how to get ongoing value from your data.

We’ll show you how to understand the reports, ask questions and use the data to drive deeper decisions. Because the best insights are always one level deeper than the initial report.


How well do you know your visitors?

Are you confident your site meets the needs of the people who visit it? Gain more meaningful insight into your visitors by making data-driven decisions that engage the people using your site