Strategy and Analytics

A website is a success when it attracts an audience and inspires that audience to act. Digital strategy is a plan to make sure that happens.

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Building and redesigning a site requires planning. What pages and content do you already have? What do you need to create before launch? What resources live on your current site? We’ll take inventory and make recommendations to ensure a smoooth project, successful launch, and high ROI.

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Someone is looking for your products and services right now as you read this. Who are they finding? Keyphrase research means knowing what phrases they’re searching and building pages focused on those topics. A search friendly website shows its relevance for many phrases on many pages.

What is your digital strategy?

Do you know your visitors? Can you decipher your Analytics?, Do you know your ranking keyphrases?

If you answered anything other than a resounding “Yes” then we can probably help you.

get in touch with us and set up a meeting to talk about your Digital Strategy